Go through each circuit three times with little or no rest, then move on to the next circuit and do the same. I used an eighteen pound versa bar as a weight, but these exercises can also be done with dumbbells or a barbell, if you’re really buff. : )
Warm up: 20 min jog/run
1. a) Jump roping (30 seconds)
b) Push up into a twist (10 reps, alternating sides)

c) Walking lunges. (10 steps)
Hold weights in each hand at the sides of your hips while keeping your shoulders back. Take a big step forward with first leg. Lower your body by flexing the knee and hip of your front leg until the knee of your rear leg falls just above the floor. Lunge forward with opposite leg and repeat.
d) Upright row to shoulder press (10 reps)
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and with a slight bend in the knees. As you exhale, pull the dumbbells up along the outside of your body until your elbows are parallel with your shoulders. Once the dumbbells reach shoulder level, rotate your arms so that your palms are now facing forward and the dumbbells are above your shoulders. Press the dumbbells up above your head until your arms are straight. As you inhale, follow these steps in reverse by lowering the weights, rotating your arms and lowering the dumbbells to starting position.
e) Front shoulder raises (10 reps)
f) Walking lunges (10 steps back to original position)
2. 10 minutes of interval sprinting: 30 seconds sprinting, 30-45 seconds recovery, repeat.
3. a) jump roping (100 jumps)
b) Ab pull ins:
Lie on the floor with your hands under your butt, your palms down, and your legs extended. Bend your knees and pull your upper thighs into your midsection. Return to the starting position.
c) Reverse crunches (20)
Lie on the floor on your back. Put your hands by your sides with your feet up and your thighs perpendicular to the floor. They should not go down lower than this during the movement. Using your lower abs, roll your pelvis backward to raise your hips off the floor. Your knees will now be over your chest. Return slowly to the starting position. You can use ankle weights to make it more difficult.
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